
The Public Consultation Questionnaire is not fit for purpose.

The golden rule of questionnaire design is only ask one question at a time.  This rule is broken frequently The responses you get to a multipart question are meaningless. This is why respondents have used so much free text outside of the defined comments boxes.  Please see Appendix 2

 The questionnaire asked for responses differently in the on-line version and in the hard copy version.

 In the on-line version, respondents were asked to mark "Agree" or "Disagree" as the response.  In the hard copy version, respondents were asked "Do you agree?"  then mark "Yes" or "No" as the response. The on-line version should have been identical to the hard copy version. Using a different response format can introduce ambiguity into the meaning of the responses.

Questionnaire design


The golden rule of questionnaire design is only ask one question at a time.  This rule is broken frequently.  This is why so many respondents added free text to their responses. The defined boxes were inadequate.


Please see the following examples: 

The golden rule of questionnaire design is only ask one question at a time.  This rule is broken frequently.  This is why so many respondents added free text to their responses. The defined boxes were inadequate.

Please see the following examples:

Objective GS1 Retain Open Spaces, Views and Local Green Spaces as identified on the Bedford Borough Council Policies Map insert 28 Riseley 2020 and protect them from development.

Agree Disagree

How does a respondent answer if they agree with no development on Local Green Spaces but disagree with no development on Open Spaces? How do respondents know what they are Agreeing or Disagreeing to, when the Policies Map is not included in the questionnaire? A respondent may not want development on the Local Green Spaces, Ross Meadow and the Playing Field but does want to see the village given the choice to accept appropriate development on Open Spaces, when the reasons for designation are not compromised or a material benefit outweighs the need to keep the land undeveloped.

Objective D4 Development is preferred on sites with previous development.

Agree Disagree.

There may be other sites which have not been previously developed but have a greater benefit to Riseley - how do respondents answer with only Agree or Disagree as the response?

Objective D5 "Design of housing should be in keeping with the surrounding properties and the village".

Agree Disagree

What does this mean? It depends what is meant by " in keeping".  As written, it means that only medieval dwellings can be built within sight of Philip Strickland's house! How do you interpret the replies to this question?

Objective NE1 "The natural environment, including landscape features, biodiversity, green spaces and views and public rights of way will be protected and enhanced." 

Agree Disagree

This is a four component question and there may be sites where development would give a greater benefit to the village. Unansweable in its current form.

Objective NE3 "Retain existing trees"

Agree Disagree

Does this mean never cut down another tree in Riseley? Not an absolute, can't answer yes/no, there may well be exceptions.

Objective NE5 " Previously developed sites are preferred for development to minimise the risk of flooding" 

Agree Disagree

This has two issues in one item and is impossible to answer with agree or disagree. Do 40 dwellings on the Maggie B site represent a bigger or lesser flood risk than 7 bungalows on The Paddock Site 512?

Objective NE6 "Retain the open aspect and views of the brook and the wildlife habitats"

Agree Disagree

Again two concepts in one question, one about the views of the brook and one about wildlife habitats. Impossible to answer with agree or disagree.

Objective NE7 "Protect and enhance biodiversity within the Parish"

Agree Disagree

What does this mean in practice? Unanswerable in its current form.

Objective BE2  " The historic character and heritage assets should be preserved and enhanced" 

Agree Disagree

Two things in one broad brush question and neither adequately defined. Unanswerable question

Objective BE3 " High quality design will be secured in all new developments reflecting the distinctive character of Riseley"

Agree Disagree 

Amazingly subjective. What is the distinctive character of Riseley and who decides it? How can anyone answer this question without knowing what it means.

Objective BE4 "Rooflines (heights) of new developments should be compatible with surrounding dwellings".

Agree Disagree

What does "compatible" mean?  Does it mean one can not build a house if surrounded by bungalows or bungalows adjacent to houses?