Local Connection to Riseley 

The fine print

Age 55 and over

Each bungalow shall not be used or occupied other than as private residential accommodation for persons where at least one member of the household is of the Specified Age, 55 or over, provided that this restriction shall not apply to the occupation of any bungalow by surviving spouse or sibling under the Specified Age who was permanently residing with a person of the Specified Age at the date of death and continues to occupy the bungalow after the death of the said person of the Specified Age who had occupied that bungalow in the period immediately before his or her death.

Local Connection Criteria

 The bungalows shall only be offered to person(s) of the Specified Age of 55 and over and:


  • who have been ordinarily resident within the Parish of Riseley for at least two (2) years; or


  • who have been ordinarily resident within the Parish of Riseley for at least three (3) years of the five (5) years immediately preceding; or


  • who have close family members (e.g. mother, father, brother, sister or adult son or daughter) living in the Parish of Riseley and having done so for the five (5) years immediately preceding; or


  • who have been employed in the Parish of Riseley (working at least 16 hours per week) and has been so for the whole of the two (2) years preceding.


Planning obligations (section 106 agreements)

Planning obligations, sometimes known as section 106 agreements, are legally enforceable obligations made under s106 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 (as amended). They’re made between a developer and the LPA. Commons Library briefing on planning obligations (CBP-07200

They must meet three legal tests contained in part 11 of the Community Infrastructure Levy Regulations 2010. Cohttps://www.legislation.gov.uk/uksi/2010/948/mademmunity Infrastructure Levy Regulations 2010.  A planning obligation must be:

  • necessary to make the development acceptable in planning terms;
  • directly related to the development; and
  • fairly and reasonably related in scale and kind to the development.

When used to impose a “local connection test” on new developments, it means the housing can only be bought by people who fulfil the test.

A section 106 agreement runs with the title of a property and is legally enforceable in the courts.

Commons Library briefing on planning obligations (CBP-07200)